Adult Programs

In addition to regularly scheduled Tours, the Museum offers a variety of events that are designed to enhance the experience and understanding of our adult patrons.

Tea & Talk Flyer
Tea & Talk Flyer

Tea & Talk

Discover the joy of looking at art slowly, deliberately, and thoughtfully. Take an in-depth look at selections from the collection as visitors participate in lively discussions and enjoy teatime with fellow art enthusiasts. FREE. No registration required.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Wild West Wits Flyer
Wild West Wits Flyer

Wild West Wits

Whether you’re a lone ranger or a city slicker, come test your knowledge of the American West with our happy hour trivia. Enjoy drinks and win prizes while having fun with your friends and others. FREE. Participants must be at least 21 years of age. Because seating is limited, registration is required.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Second Saturday Flyer
Second Saturday Flyer

Second Saturday

Join us the 2nd Saturday of each month @2pm for a FREE themed tour. Explore our collection through a different lens as we alternate between the following tour themes each month: Decoding the Myth of the American West and Survival in the American West.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Movies at the Museum Flyer
Movies at the Museum Flyer

Movies at the Museum

Join us for this summer film series as we view movies that explore key themes and topics related to our current exhibition. Refreshments provided. FREE. Because seating is limited, registration is required.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Educator Workshop Flyer
Educator Workshop Flyer

Educator Workshops

Learn to incorporate art into your classroom with hands-on activities. Free. Because seating is limited, registration is required.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Blog Flyer
Blog Flyer

Blog & Social Media

Keep up with the latest Museum happenings and gain behind the scenes insights by following us on Facebook and Twitter or by following our Blog.

Online Resources

The Museum has gathered and developed a variety of Resources to augment and support the experience of our various audiences: educators, adults, families, and children.

Lectures Flyer
Lectures Flyer


Our FREE lectures are designed to provide in depth and engaging information on a variety of topics, from experts in the field. Because seating is limited, registration is required.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Sid's Studio Flyer
Sid's Studio Flyer

Sid's Studio

Spend time in the museum gallery learning about arts and crafts of the American Frontier. Then further your connection with paintings from the collection through hands-on studio activities while enjoying refreshments and friendly conversation with fellow crafters. Because space is limited, registration is required along with a $10 supply fee.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Tall Tales Flyer
Tall Tales Flyer

Tall Tales

In this book club, participants will discuss the selected book while making connections to the collection and/or special exhibition. FREE. Because seating is limited, registration is required. The first 10 registrants receive a free copy of the book.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.