Programs for Children, Teens and Families

In addition to regularly scheduled Tours, the Museum offers a variety of events that are designed to enhance the experience and understanding of our younger patrons and their families.

Programs for Children | for children 12 and under

Sid's Story Time

Sid's Story Time Flyer
Sid's Story Time Flyer

Each storytime features the reading of an exciting western themed story followed by a fun gallery activity. For children 3 to 8 years old and an adult companion.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Spring Break Workshop

Spring Break Workshop Flyer
Children's Spring Break Workshop Flyer

Children's Workshops are single day, drop-off events, usually lasting approximately 2 hours. Workshops start with a docent-guided tour of the gallery during which the children learn about a specific aspect of art or history. In the second part of the workshop children move to our studio classroom where instructors lead them through a creative learning activity that reinforces what they learned in the tour. All Children's Workshops require advance registration.

Oil Pastel Landscapes

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Summer Art Camp Ages 6-9

Summer Art Camp Ages 6-9 Flyer
Summer Art Camp Ages 6-9 Flyer

Every year the Museum offers a week-long, half-day, drop-off, Summer Camp program for children ages 6 to 9. At art camp children will create origional works of art while learning about the paintings on exhibit. This event has proven to be our most popular children's program year after year.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Summer Art Camp Ages 10-13

Children's Summer Camp Flyer
Children's Summer Camp Flyer

Every year the Museum offers a week-long, half-day, drop-off, Summer Camp program for children ages 10 to 13. At art camp children will create origional works of art while learning about the paintings on exhibit. This event has proven to be our most popular childrens's program year after year.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Family Film Series

Family Film Series Flyer
Family Film Series Flyer

Our Family Film Series this Fall is designed for younger children and their grown up buddy/guardian. After the film, take your child into our gallery to participate in a gallery activity. FREE. Registration required.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Teen's Programs | for young adults ages 13 to 17

Teen's Workshops

Teens's Workshop Flyer
Teen's Workshop Flyer

Teen's Workshops are specially designed to engage teenagers ages 14-17 who are interested in art history and art making. Workshops include spending time with the collection and exhibits to learn about a specific aspect of art or history as well as hands-on activities in our studio classroom targeting a variety of media and artistic skills such as drawing, painting and printmaking. All Teen's Workshops require advance registration.

Painting with Acrylics

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Family Programs | for children and teens with an adult companion

Family Programs are designed to engage the whole family. Special upcoming family events include:

Family Workshops

Family Workshop Create Your Own Family Brand Flyer
Family Workshop Create Your Own Family Brand Flyer

Family Workshops are group activities that are designed to engage and include every member of the family.

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Family Holiday Round Up

Holiday Round Up Flyer
Holiday Round Up Flyer

Join us for our FREE Family Holiday Event packed with a full schedule of engaging activities!

  • Next: None scheduled at this time. Check back for additional dates.

Additional Resources

Blogs & Social Media

Keep up with the latest Museum happenings and gain behind the scenes insights by following us on Facebook and Twitter or by following our Blog.

Online Resources

The Museum has gathered and developed a variety of Resources to augment and support the experience of our various audiences: educators, adults, families, and children.